Photographs by Mitchell Alcala

Posts tagged “Pen

104/365: Be Awesome

Earlier tonight I took a bunch of photographs for the Family Resource Center at the OSU’s Family and Graduate Student Housing, and I almost forgot to get a shot for the blog.

This shot was a real quick setup shot in my living room, with the inspiration coming from Kendra, and a shot I had seen earlier today. Kendra leaves me notes from time to time, and most of the time they only say “Be Awesome.”

These notes, all be it small, always lift my spirits. It doesn’t matter if I’m having a bad day or a great day, I always feel better after seeing one of these notes. I had also seen a photo today of a Note to self, and I really just enjoyed the simplicity.

I wrote this little note to myself, and then used two flashes. One on camera that was bounced from the ceiling, and one on the ground with an orange gel attached. I really wanted to get a shadow off of the pen, but to get the photo taken by midnight it would have been pushing it.

So, I scarified the exact look I was going for to make the deadline.

I hope everyone had a safe Thursday, to bad Stillwater didn’t get any rain…
